Servants for Public Functions
At UseRich, the Public Functions vertical includes Government Ministries and Departments, Public Sector Units, United Nations and its specialized agencies, International Donor Organizations, an organization working towards the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, NGOs and Smart City Projects as a whole. UseRich provides innovative educational technology solutions to these segments with a clear objective of serving the ultimate cause.
Functional Areas
Global Citizenship
In an increasingly connected world, global citizens, and the aspiring lot, need to be enabled to act and interact seamlessly. Unless the governments update their people with the necessary skills and knowledge to connect across communities, cultures and countries, it will not be possible for the transnational citizens to add any tangible value to the mass.
Judicial KM
Knowledge Management is crucial in every field of work, particularly in judicial roles where precedence plays enormous importance in maintaining equitability. The importance and efficacy of KM practices in the judiciary to effectively mine relevant information and intelligence play a life-and-death role in the literal sense for many.
Public Exams
Mass screening of candidates is the primary function of all public exams. The efficiency of such exams depends a lot on logistics and automation. The chain of tasks includes scheduling and announcing exams, creating questions, registering candidates, issuing admit cards, conducting the exams, scoring and publishing results. At times it is also necessary to reschedule the exams without hampering any other process.
Smart City
A smart city needs to be connected to enhance, enrich and protect the lives of its people while making policy decisions in consultation with the citizens. The components of a smart city should be able to use inputs and provide the feedback loop that improves the quality of life. Dissipation of information and various stakeholder focused learning courseware also play crucial roles in the success of a smart city project.
Civic Awareness
People need to be aware of the myriad of rules and guidelines to keep themselves safe and trouble-free. Residents of any city, town or village need to be aware of practices that impact their health and hygiene. The spread of focused knowledge and regular updates improves civic awareness amongst the residents. Best practices in civic awareness involve the parallel election of a civic body and public participation in the decision-making.
Financial Literacy
The knowledge and the ability to handle finances competently, including but not restricted to financial planning, budgeting, investing, and management of personal finances, is essential for the quality of life of any person, not just the finance professionals. It is a critical skill set that can make or break a person, family, or even a commercial organization in trying times. Governments have a duty of spreading financial literacy among their citizens.
Skill Development
Skill development aims to build the capabilities of an individual, often impacting earning potential of the person. Planned skill development programs of any government can significantly impact the livelihood of their people. Skills could refer to professional or soft skills and are fundamental to maximizing employability and personal productivity.
Digital Adoption
Technology is changing faster than anyone had ever expected. It entails being on a continual learning journey to derive benefits from the evolving technology trends, tools and assets. Training and just-in-time performance aids can improve productivity to considerable limits for enterprises and governments of the modern world.
Products & Features
UseRich bridges the gaps in public functions with education technology tools and solutions. From information dissipation to skills development to management of public sector training to monitoring NGO schemes, an extensive array of customized solutions help in inching towards the ultimate goals of improving quality of life. The open architecture of UseRich solutions make it easy to work seamlessly, integrating with existing solutions, or if desired, handshaking for importing inputs.
Knowledge Extraction
Government departments and public enterprises are goldmines of knowledge. A tremendous amount of knowledge remains in hoards of unstructured electronic documents and files, which cannot be reused because of its fundamental nature of existence. The NLP based knowledge extraction tools of UseRich enables understanding of various structured and unstructured electronic assets and extraction of the required knowledge components from them. It also enables easy recording, capture and documentation of tacit knowledge for explicit use.
Exam Management
This solution caters to the administrative functions involved in conducting a large-scale online or pen-and-paper assessment, from the generation of admit cards or hall tickets to capturing attendance to tallying numbers of test-takers with the number of question papers and answer scripts to results tabulation.
Remote Proctoring
The uniqueness of UseRich’s open-solution policy brings different options from among the cloud-based proctoring solutions to the table, including its in-house solution. Based on the need analysis, the most suitable solution is deployed from behind the URUS engagement layer. UseRich can offer an end-to-end proctoring solution including AI, live proctoring and invigilation services. A new R&D project towards building device based proctoring solutions is in the pipeline.
Skill Development
These customized platforms from UseRich follow an individual’s growth, commencing from the starting point to when he or she finishes under government monitored schemes. It talks to different processes and seamlessly coordinates all components of the whole skill development framework.
The LXP, or Learning Experience Platform, is a paradigm shift from the traditional LMS. The platform is tailor-made to deliver a personalized and adaptive experience, making it fit the skills training arena in a much better way. Even though learning content delivery remains at the core of things, the difference from a traditional LMS is that the LXP erected by UseRich offers a superior and comprehensive learning experience with additional features like analytics and reporting.
Assets Tracking
The simple toolset enables seamless management of assets, including planning, tracking, inflow, classification, configuration, and accounting. The Assets Tracking module also enables tracking the inventory and keeping a tab on which assets are needed and when.
Schemes Monitoring
This set of tools provide a framework for efficient monitoring of projects under government schemes. The open architecture and a cache of historical assets relating to UNDG2030 make a powerful proposition to track any social outreach program systematically.
Online Examination
There are myriads of online examination tools in the UseRich bouquet. Based on the need, the most suitable are deployed, often from behind the URUS engagement layer. Government departments or civic bodies can conduct large scale secure online exams with cutting-edge examination management and automated evaluation processes with ease and accuracy.
Onscreen Marking
Onscreen Marking Systems, OMS, also referred to as On-screen Marking, OSM, solutions, are potent enablers for scoring pen-and-paper answer scripts. The answer scripts get scanned, and the images are distributed through a cloud-hosted solution to the examiners or evaluators through apps on mobile devices and desktop computers. Beyond supporting annotations and easy to use scoring systems, the front-end application also provides real-time guidance in standardizing the scores across evaluators. The system can also include manual subjective evaluations of electronically conducted examinations for cases like essay-type answers.
The TMS, or Training Management System, is designed to conduct training online and manage various factors like methodologies, design and courseware mapping with training needs, often derived from a skill-gap analysis of employees of a progressive organization. It provides features to plan, schedule, track, organize curricula, maintain records and history for online training.
Fulfillment Model
A focused attempt with eyes on the ultimate goal
UseRich has been founded with a purpose to go well beyond making profits. Its special efforts in working in the development sectors and public functions contribute to the cause somehow or the other. Starting with need analysis, the engagement models for this vertical are often designed out of the box, focusing on the final goals. Based on the need, such projects are often carried out on a no-profit basis. On ground UseRich employees also work for various projects of ABHA Mission for Social Health and Education, a not-for-profit social organization working in the domain of health & education for the lesser-privileged.